If you’re doing something the same way it’s always been done, yet thinking there must be a better way that will save you time and money—but you’re too busy and overloaded to try to figure that out right now…
If you’re tackling a large project with limited resources and are feeling a bit overwhelmed…
If you desperately want to be productive, but just can’t seem to focus, stay organized or find any creative ideas…
This is precisely the time to step away your desk, walk around the block, get a cup of coffee—do anything to clear your head! It is also a great time to look for an outside perspective (whether from a co-worker, friend, family member or consultant). We know this, but the problem is…
When we get busy and overwhelmed, it feels like we don’t even have 5 minutes to stand up to stretch our legs, let alone look outside our organizations and ask for help!
I know this because I have felt this way, both in running my own business and when I worked on staff at a nonprofit.
Somewhere along the way, I learned that resolutions come a lot faster with help.
If I got stuck inside my business or my own head, I could call on a colleague, friend or coach to help give me an outside perspective. Whether it was advice on my marketing plan, social media strategy, or website update—I could count on trusted advisors to listen to my ideas and help guide me through the areas where I was getting stuck.
Talking it through with them would help reveal aha moments that led to clarity and successful projects for my business.
The alternative (going it alone!) would take forever, and the end-result was never as great as I’d hoped.
I know that we can get stuck, it can be frustrating. We think if we try harder, we’ll figure it out. But sometimes, one perspective just isn’t enough, especially when we’re bogged down and have too much on our plates.
Going it alone stinks! And even if it feels like we have no time, outside help will save us time in the long run.
I’ve helped a lot of clients when they’re stuck, need direction, or need an outside perspective—so I decided to make these offerings official.
In case you need an outside perspective, I’m happy to announce my new consulting services…